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 Flower Puzzles for the Apple and Android mobile phones with 5 levels, 180 puzzles fun for people of all ages! Free in IStore and Play Store.







Try Flower Puzzles today, Its free!

In the Apple I-Store -

In the Google Android Play Store -


Flower Architect (Coming This Spring) allows you to create your own Custom Virtual Flower Arrangements

We are in final testing of our flower arrangement site "" in preparation for public release. All the flower puzzles were created by using a library of over 1500 flowers. You can add or modify to the puzzle arrangements, or design your own arrangements for weddings, greeting cards, or as a hobby .


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Flower Puzzles are here today in IStore and Play Store (1st half of video)

Flower Architect allows you to make your own custom virtual arrangements (2nd half of Video)



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We Will Email You When The Website Launches!

"Flower Puzzles" is Available Now in the "App Store" and "Play Store".

"Flower Architect" will launch this Spring and let you make your own custom flower arrangements on the same site the Flower Puzzles were create with.


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  1. Select Flowers for basket by color, type, longevity, availability, and cost.
  2. Select Arrangement type: Boutonniere, Corsage, Wristlet, hand held Bouquet, Vase, or Special Shape
    • Determine arrangement size
    • Choose container as holder
    • Select Shape aid tools
  3. Begin arrangement by moving flowers from your pre-selected basket onto the arranger page in their 3-dimensional positions
  4. Choose a background Color for the arrangement
  5. Save, Send, or print your arrangement or communicate with your florist to have your arrangement made or order flowers to arrange yourself.


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We are excited to bring to you the new FlowerArchitect software!  The software allows you to select flowers (SELECTION PHASE) from over 190 flower categories and over 2000 3-dimensional flowers and place in your basket or select from over 150 collage baskets. Modify, add or subtract from your basket at anytime during your design or selection process. During the (DESIGN PHASE) a graphed screen is provided to begin placing flowers from the basket. The screen scale can be modified to work on a small corsage size to a large event arrangement size. Choose from multiple shape aids to form a framework for your arrangement.  After placing your flower, choose the flower position from up to 32 positions. You may rotate flowers at any time during the process or pull them forward or push behind other flowers.  Add stems and leaves. When your design is finished choose a vase or container and other floral embellishments such as ribbons, jewels and butterflies to add the finishing touch to your arrangement. You may save your arrangement and revisit it later for further modification.  Use the tutorials and beginner projects to learn the simple basics of the FlowerArchitect software and some basic floral design techniques.  We will be adding new and advanced tutorials over the next year as well as additional flowers.